
Megalithic tomb

This roadside megalithic structure is a Kist. It consists of an almost square roof slab, 2.4 metres long x 2.2 metres wide. It is supported on a number of stones forming a small cavity about 80 cms in depth. There is a backstone and dry walling visible in the chamber. The roof slab has slipped off two uprights at the northeast opening, see top image. These formed an opening. There are a few other stones nearby but they were obscured by the overgrowth. A charming tomb hidden in roadside vegetation.

Situated: From Athy head south on the N78 after 8.8 Kilometres turn right onto the N80. Then 1.1K turn left. Then 2.6K turn right. Go 850 metres, kist on your left hidden in the vegetation before the farm.

Discovery Map 61: S 5967 8724. Last visit June 2014.

Longitude:  7° 6' 45" W

Latitude: 52° 55' 58" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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